Make your 2025 Pledge Today!

Please fill out this form and click submit.

I/we pledge to St George Antiochian Orthodox Christian Cathedral a reasonable and fair share of the blessings received from God as a token of thanksgiving and in support for His Holy Church.

**Before deciding how much to pledge to your church, you should consider how much God has blessed you in your life and speak to your priest. Please scroll down to the bottom for a guide to proportionate giving per month based on your yearly income.
By selecting the Bank Withdrawl or Credit/Debit Card options, you authorize ST GEORGE CATHEDRAL to charge your account the amount stated at left on the 20th of each month until I provide a written cancellation. The convenience of automatic recurring billing is processed through Pay Pal or Breeze. 

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Please select one option.
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Please select one option.

Guide to Proportionate Giving

Take Home Pay                    Amounts by Month
                                       10%                 6%                  3%
      $40,000                   $335               $200               $100
      $50,000                   $420               $250               $125
      $60,000                   $500               $300               $150
      $70,000                   $585               $350               $175
      $80,000                   $670               $400               $200

Traditional Christian giving is dictated by the Bible and the tradition of the Church as at least 10% of your income. This year, if you are able, please consider increasing your pledge as a sign of your faith and love of God.

All pledge commitments should be paid in full by December 31 in order to be eligible to vote at the General Parish Meeting.

*All pledge contributions are 100% tax deductible. 



Please fill out this form and click submit.